We often have a Sunday School curriculum that we follow rather strictly, however, have you ever paused to think……do the kids in my class understand the basics.
I had a similar challenge when I was teaching my Sunday School kids.
I realized that they have been thrown into the depths of stories from the Old Testament, and the New Testament, and they did not understand what a testament is, or what are the differences between the Old Testament and New Testament.
Questions like – why was there an Old Testament, and why did a New Testament come into being.
So I decided to take a step back and create a curriculum from scratch.
To start off – here is a definition for the Kids on what is a testament.
More on the purposes of these testaments later.

This is a 30,000 feet view of course, but some simplicity is needed to help the kids, the future generation leaders of the Church, to build a strong foundation in understanding these basic principles.
I have also included names that we hear of so often, e.g. the Old Law, The Old Covenant, The Law of Moses – these all mean the same thing. Test your kids with these – most often they do not know that these are the same. The same goes for the New Testament. (I did forget to add “The Law of Christ”).
God has made these covenants with us and there was a purpose for it and as promised, more on this in later posts.
For now, God bless and keep you safe.
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